Menthone: The molecule for relaxation
Menthone (like menthol) relieves cramps, and muscle pain by acting as a counter-irritant. They work by causing the skin to feel cool and warm. These warm and cool sensations tend to distract your mind from feeling muscle pains and cramps. Moreover, menthone also works similarly as menthol by imparting a distinct relaxing odor which makes you sleep.
How does Menthone look like in Chemistry?

Let’s Get Building!
Using your Student Molecular Set from Duluth Labs let’s create Menthone! You’ll need:
- 10 Carbon atoms
- 1 Oxygen atoms
- 18 Hydrogen atoms
- 18 Small Connectors (compact small bonds for hydrogen)
- 10 Medium Connectors
- 2 Long Connectors
- Molecular Tool (for Disassembly)
Put aside all the atoms and connectors needed.
Let’s Start off With Our Carbon 1!
1. Get a carbon atom(Carbon 1) then, attach an Oxygen atom to it using 2 long connectors.
2. Grab another carbon atom (Carbon 2) then attach this to Carbon 1 using a medium connector. Place a hydrogen atom in front of of Carbon 2 using a small connector.
3. Get a carbon atom (2-propyl carbon) and attach this at the back of Carbon 2) using a medium connector. Add 1 hydrogen atom to 2-propyl carbon using 1 small connector.
4. Then, get one carbon atom and attach this to the 2-propyl carbon using a medium connector. Place 3 hydrogen atoms to this carbon using 3 small connectors.
5.Get another carbon atomand attach this again to the 2-propyl carbonusing a medium connector. Likewise, add 3 hydrogen atoms to this carbon using 3 small connectors..
6. Attach a carbon atom (Carbon 3) to Carbon 2 using a medium connector. Add 2 hydrogen atoms to Carbon 3 using 2 small connectors..
7. Attach another carbon atom (Carbon 4) to Carbon 3 using a medium connector. Add 2 hydrogen atoms to Carbon 4 using 2 small connectors.
8. Then, get one carbon atom (Carbon 5) and attach this to Carbon 4 using a medium connector. Place a hydrogen atom at the back of Carbon 5 using a small connector.
9. Grab a carbon atom then attach this in front of Carbon 5 using a medium connector. Add 3 hydrogen atoms to this carbon using 3 small connectors.
10. Then, get the last carbon atom (Carbon 6) and attach this to Carbon 5 using a medium connector. Likewise, add 2 hydrogen atoms to Carbon 6 using 2 small connectors
11. Finally, join Carbon 6 and Carbon 1 together with a medium connector.