Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)


Ascorbic acid: The Vitamin that Makes you Glow!

One of the most common essential vitamins that the human body needs is Vitamin C. Vitamin C, also called Ascorbic acid, is commonly found in citrus fruits. It is used for preventing and treating scurvy. It is also often used in treating common colds, cough and some skin infections. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. An excess amount of this vitamin is apparent in the formation of strong yellow urine. Ascorbic acid is needed for growth and repair of tissues. It also helps the body in the production of collagen, thereby promoting wound healing. Moreover, it has a good antioxidant activity which can help prevent further damage caused by free radicals.

What does Ascorbic Acid look like in Chemistry?


Let’s Get Building!

Using your Student Molecular Set from Duluth Labs let’s create Ascorbic Acid molecule! You’ll need:

  • 6 Carbon Atoms

  • 6 Oxygen Atoms

  • 8 Hydrogen Atoms

  • 8 Small Connectors (compact small bonds for hydrogen)

  • 10 Medium Connectors

  • 4 Long Connectors

  • Molecular Tool (for Disassembly)

Put aside all the atoms and connectors needed.

Let’s Start Building With Our Dihydroxyfuranone Portion!

dopamine molecular structure

Note: We build this portion in a clockwise direction, starting with Carbon 5.

Let’s start!


  • 1
    dopamine molecular model

    1.Get one carbon atom (Carbon 5) then attach an oxygen atom to its right using a medium connector. Place a hydrogen atom on carbon 5 using a small connector.

  • 2
    dopamine molecular model

    2. Then, get another carbon atom (Carbon 2) and attach this to oxygen using a medium connector.

  • 3
    dopamine molecular model

    3. Get another oxygen atom and attach this to Carbon 2,/ using 2 long connectors.

  • 4
    dopamine molecular model

    4. Attach another carbon (Carbon 3) to the left of Carbon 2 using a medium connector.

  • 5
    dopamine molecular model

    5. Attach an Oxygen atom on Carbon 3 using a medium connector. Place a hydrogen atom on this oxygen using a small connector.

  • 6
    dopamine molecular model

    6. Get one carbon atom (Carbon 4) then attach this to Carbon 3 using 2 long connectors.

  • 7
    dopamine molecular model

    7. Get one Oxygen atom then attach this to Carbon 4 using a medium connector. Place a hydrogen atom on this oxygen using a small connector.

  • 8
    dopamine molecular model

    8. Join Carbon 4 and Carbon 5 together using a medium connector.

  • dopamine molecular model

    Yay! We've just built our Dihydroxyfuranone Portion!

Note: We now add the dihydroxyethyl portion to our furanone ring.

dopamine molecular structure

Let’s continue building!


  • 1
    dopamine molecular model

    1. Get one carbon atom (Carbon 1’) then attach this to Carbon 5 of the dihydroxyfuranone ring using a medium connector. Add a hydrogen atom to this carbon using a small connector.

  • 2
    dopamine molecular model

    2. Attach an Oxygen atom to Carbon 1’ using a medium connector. Then, add a hydrogen atom to this oxygen using a small connector.

  • 3
    dopamine molecular model

    3. Get another carbon atom (Carbon 2’) then attach this to Carbon 1’ using a medium connector. Add 2 hydrogen atoms to this carbon using 2 small connectors.

  • 4
    dopamine molecular model

    4. Finally, attach an Oxygen atom to Carbon 2’ using a medium connector. Then place a hydrogen atom to this oxygen using a small connector.

Great work! Now we have our newly-built Ascorbic Acid molecule.

Feel free to show us how your Ascorbic Acid turned out!

Comment and share pictures below!

Tune in next week for another Molecule of the week!

See you then xoxo :)


Duluth Labs

Afton Direct LLC

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